On Thursday 8th October I was delighted to receive my latest certificate. I am now a certified QEC Practitioner. “What’s that?” you may ask....

Well, it’s a wonderful way of supporting people to make lasting changes to their lives. Most (all?) of us are living with some limiting beliefs which we’ve picked up along the way.
Does anything from this list apply to you?
Perhaps you can’t help doubting your own abilities?
Even though you have a great job do you always worry that you’re going to get found out as being not good enough (Imposter syndrome)?
Maybe you’re not the most confident person?
Are you living with fear and anxiety?
Do you find yourself procrastinating jobs you know need to be done until the very last minute?
Is your weight an issue or do you live with an eating disorder?
Would it be great if you could stop consuming so much (alcohol, sugar, coffee, compulsive purchasing, social media, drugs, gambling...)?
Do you always put yourself last?
Are you stuck in grief or loss?
Is getting to, or staying, asleep every night an issue?
Have you experienced sexual assault or trauma which has led to Post Traumatic Stress?
Are nightmares and flashbacks from a traumatic event limiting your ability to function day to day?
Do you have a health condition that you cannot seem to come to terms with?
Has the Covid-19 virus situation this year caused you extreme stress and worry?
You may be able to identify something else not mentioned which is challenging for you...
The wonder of this qualification is that although I can see clients face to face in my therapy space, QEC can also be done very effectively via video conferencing tools such as Zoom. The training was delivered online so I can vouch for the beautiful way it works even when we’re not in the same room. So you don’t even need to live local to me.

QEC was developed by Dr Melanie Salmon, a South African born GP with over 40 years experience. Much of that was as a GP in the UK. Her skill set included Gestalt Psychotherapy and she was also a trainer in TRE. She had her own lived experience of trauma and was frustrated at the length of time her patients seemed to require in therapy with little to no real improvement. She explored all sorts of modalities looking for something that actually worked.
When she discovered the work of Bruce Lipton PhD, who is a cell biologist, she found the information she needed to start developing QEC. It is based on the neuroscience I have been learning about personally and within our continued professional development in the NO HANDS® Massage Association. So it is a natural addition to my massage work. Using QEC Melanie has lifted the trauma she had been living with and changed her life. She is now training people around the world so that this amazing gift can change other people’s lives. It is truly transformational.

Another fabulous benefit is that it doesn’t require years of ongoing work. Unlike traditional psychology or psychotherapy a journey through QEC probably won’t last much more that 12 sessions at most. Six sessions may well be enough for many people. If someone has done a lot of work on themselves already they may find that just one or two is enough to unlock that last key required to make the shift they couldn’t quite achieve. With experience of QEC people will easily recognise when they may wish to book in again with their QEC practitioner in future. Sometimes life throws us curveballs which bring up something new to work on. Check out the two Testimonials below and If you would like to find out more please get in touch.
QEC Testimonials "I wasn’t sure how QEC would work for me. I had previously gone through 10 years of private counselling and felt that I never quite got to the ‘root’ of my issues. I was advised that any time I was making any progression my self conscious would kick in and stop me which was doubly frustrating for me. I now believe that this was due to the therapy we were using was top-down, and due to the trauma I had suffered wasn’t suited to me. When I met Karen a lot of things were going on in my life. I instantly felt at ease with Karen, and opened up more than I have with anyone in a short space of time. In between our sessions an event happened that triggered my PTSD. I was very anxious and on edge but Karen was very reassuring and her empathy and the work we carried out in that session that day was life changing. I have struggled with low self esteem most of my life, and with just a few sessions with Karen I have noticed a dramatic change. This didn’t happen instantly but gradual little changes that I have noticed over time since our sessions ended. I recently started a new job and thanks to our sessions, it is the first time in my whole life that I have not been consumed with anxiety and self doubt. My manager even commented in how she feels as though I have worked in that job for a long time as I am so confident and self assured in my position. I believe this is down to the work we done in the QEC sessions!" - LG
"Since doing a few QEC sessions with Karen a few weeks ago. I've noticed a huge shift in my confidence and assertiveness when having difficult conversations/interactions with my ex's family. I feel I've been able to reach for support when needed, communicate more effectively with my mum and been better equipped in handling day to day parenting stuff. As an aside as well I’ve lost 9lbs, I feel fitter than I’ve ever been. My nails are grown and for first time in years I’ve not got a red bit under my chin (where I normally pick at when I am stressed), its finally healed. I wouldn't hesitate to go back to Karen for further sessions if required but at this time I feel more in control, grateful and happy in myself than I have ever felt. I cant thank Karen and QEC enough" - MS
Want to find out if QEC can help you?
Contact me now to arrange a FREE no obligation 30 minute Discovery Call. We can discuss, in confidence, what you are concerned about and you can ask any questions not answered here. Sessions will be held over Zoom at a mutually agreed time and date. Book now!
